X-ray Accessoires
We supply a great variety of different accessories to make the daily work complete.
Our X-ray cassettes, intensifying screens and grids deliver sharp images and capture the maximum diagnostic information. Products to help medical professionals making accurate diagnoses by
improving image contrast.
Our wide selection of positioning pads (foam pads) gives numerous options to obtain the most expedient positioning of the patient. Sand bags and X-ray table mattresses for patient comfort and
X-ray positioning during radiographic examinations.
Our X-ray lead markers clearly, easily, and effectively identify your radiographs.
Film Viewers
Film viewers are an important element in a process of radiological diagnosis.
A high quality of the viewer is a decisive factor for successful radiological diagnosis - only advanced quality of the viewer ensure proper diagnosis!
We offer viewers either with or without luminance adjustment, also in high-frequency version.
Please contact us if you cannot find a special product listed in our portfolio!